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Reasons For Homeschooling + Gifted Movie Review

Parents have many reasons or factors that lead them to homeschooling whether moral, religious, political, geographical, financial, medical etc. or a combination of these.  One of the many reasons is giftedness. In this blog we'll define giftedness and explore one example of giftedness as presented in the 2017 film, Gifted. What is Giftedness? Giftedness refers to exceptional ability or potential in one or more areas, such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or academic domains, compared to peers of the same age, experience, or environment. Gifted individuals often demonstrate advanced cognitive abilities, heightened curiosity, rapid learning, and a deep capacity for complex thought and problem-solving. Key characteristics of giftedness may include:   A. Intellectual Giftedness : Advanced reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.   B. Creative Giftedness : Originality, innovation, and unique perspectives in creative pursuits like art, music, or writing. 

23 Winter Activities for Young Children

Slide onto some snow
  1. Have a snowball fight.
  2. Make & decorate a snow man.
  3. Use containers of different shapes to make ice figurines.
  4. Make a structure out of ice bricks.
  5. Slide onto some snow.
  6. Make snow angels 
  7. Go sledding or tobagoning down a snow hill
  8. Go ice skating 
  9. Play ice hockey
  10. Conduct ice experiments. Record the amount of time it takes for different liquids to freeze outside.
  11. Research all or some of the countries in the world that experience Winter.
  12. Watch a documentary about Antarctica
  13. Watch a documentary about the Arctic
  14. Have a winter clothes ‘layering up’ race
  15. Get some window markers and draw snow flakes on a window.
  16. Make some snowflakes from construction paper.
  17. Make an igloo
  18. Make a hot chocolate station
  19. Make some s’mores 
  20. Go on a snow walk in a park and try to identify different foot prints. 
  21. Research different animals that hibernate during winter.
  22. Learn about how various animals keep warm in the winter time.
  23. Learn about groundhogs and how they help ‘predict the end of winter.’


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