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Nanny of the Maroons: Jamaica's Heroine

Nanny of The Maroons When we think about the people who fought for freedom and justice, we often remember well-known figures like Harriet Tubman or Nelson Mandela. But there is one incredible woman from Jamaica whose courage and determination helped shape the path to freedom for many people—her name was Nanny of the Maroons also known as Queen Nanny and affectionately as Grandy Nanny. You might wonder, who was Nanny of the Maroons, and how did she contribute to the end of slavery? Let’s take a journey into history to learn about this amazing woman and how her actions impacted the lives of many. Who Was Nanny of the Maroons? Not much has been documented/uncovered about Nanny's pre-slavery origins. Nevertheless, what is known and documented is that Nanny of the Maroons was a strong and fearless leader who lived in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to oral history, she was born in West Africa (present day Ghana) amongst the Asante people, but was captured and sold into...

World Teachers Day 2022

Did you know that there's a difference between Teachers Day and World Teachers Day? I did not and it's actually quite a bit confusing. Not to worry though - clarity is here!

At the end of this blog you will not only learn the difference but you will actually walk away with some practical ways to celebrate and acknowledge World Teachers Day. Let's dive into it!

Teachers Day

Teachers day usually takes place in the second week of May and is part of Teacher Appreciation week world wide. On this special day students make cards, bring gifts and generally just shower their special teachers with love and appreciation. Some schools may even celebrate teachers by whisking them away for a relaxing day off the job.

World Teacher's Day

On the other hand, World Teacher's Day is an anniversary of sorts. Observed annually on October 5th, it marks the date (in 1966) that the UNESCO and International Labour Organization (ILO) established some basic shared rights and training standards for teachers. It's a day for Teachers to reaffirm their purpose as a collective and share best practices to further the goal of quality global education.

World Teacher's Day 2022

The theme for World Teachers' Day 2022 is “The transformation of education begins with teachers”. Such a simple theme but yet so wide and all encompassing! An in person conference will be held in Paris where panelists and attendees will celebrate an innovative teacher and discuss topics such as:

👩🏾‍🏫 Teacher Innovation
👩🏾‍🏫 Lifelong Learning
👩🏾‍🏫 Greening Education & Initiatives for Sustainable Development

The event will be livestreams and some sessions are open for free online registration. More information here.

In the meantime, you can observe and celebrate World Teachers Day by envisioning your own role in transforming education - if it begins with you. 

You do not have to be a scholar to keep learning. Once you awaken to a new day, it's a new opportunity to learn something new. Think about some ways in which you can make life long learning a habitual part of your daily life.


It could look like challenging yourself to read up on topics outside of your usual area of interest or expertise. (Or watching a documentary about it.)

It could look like watching documentaries, news specials or shows about what formal education looks like to different people in different countries. (I recently watched a few episodes of Abbott's Elementary on Disney + and although it's mostly satire and comedy - it's interesting to get a front row POV of a public school elementary teacher.)

It could look like, learning a new skill or trying a new sport at your local community center.

It could look like, self paced research on a topic of interest.

It could look like, getting a new credential/certificate, in an area of interest, online through Google, LinkedIn, Skillshare etc.

It could look like, volunteering in the community or travelling to a new place with an open mind to learn new things that you may not have even imagined.

And the list goes on...

What are some new habits and routines that can be seamlessly integrated on your journey of lifelong learning? (All ideas welcomed in the comments.)

Challenge: Jot down in a book or digital notepad something new that you've learned in each day and review it at the end of the year. I'm up for this challenge too!

👩🏾‍🏫 Happy World Teachers Day! 🧡


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