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Nanny of the Maroons: Jamaica's Heroine

Nanny of The Maroons When we think about the people who fought for freedom and justice, we often remember well-known figures like Harriet Tubman or Nelson Mandela. But there is one incredible woman from Jamaica whose courage and determination helped shape the path to freedom for many people—her name was Nanny of the Maroons also known as Queen Nanny and affectionately as Grandy Nanny. You might wonder, who was Nanny of the Maroons, and how did she contribute to the end of slavery? Let’s take a journey into history to learn about this amazing woman and how her actions impacted the lives of many. Who Was Nanny of the Maroons? Not much has been documented/uncovered about Nanny's pre-slavery origins. Nevertheless, what is known and documented is that Nanny of the Maroons was a strong and fearless leader who lived in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to oral history, she was born in West Africa (present day Ghana) amongst the Asante people, but was captured and sold into...

10 Fun Fitness Activities for Children

In the words of a wise five year old on a cold Winter’s day, ”
Can you put on some Cosmic Yoga, I need to exercise so that I can grow new brain cells.”

Let’s ditch the devices every now and again to make exercise great again and fun again beginning with our children. Exercise is a necessary part of healthy full filling life and so in this blog post I’ll be sharing some fun fitness activities for kids (and maybe parents and caregivers too). 

  1. Run around a grassy area or large open space. This could be a back yard or a park and does not require any toys. The beauty about childhood is that they are still discovering their world so what may seem ordinary to adults is an adventure for them.
  2. As mentioned earlier, Cosmic Yoga, Brain Gym and other exercise programs for kids on YouTube are available for free once you have the internet. They can have their own mini sweat session anywhere. 
  3. Traditional children’s games such as Simon Says, Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, What Time is It Mr. Wolf, How Many Steps To Reach The Queen, Red Light, Green Light, Freeze Dance are always great options to provide a fitness burst. 
  4. Team sporting activities such as Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Hockey etc. not only help with fitness but emphasizes team work and coordinated movement amongst others such as family and peers. 
  5. Random dance parties because this is the stuff of life. Human beings (kids included) do not need any more reason than pleasure itself to move our bodies and burst out in spontaneous dance. 
  6. Individual sporting activities such as swimming, gymnastics, tennis, martial arts etc. not only provide fitness but develops self confidence and determination. 
  7. Playgrounds. To a child, life is one big playground but for the adults who value our sanity we research and bring them to the places they can have the safest and best play experiences. Whether that’s in the back yard, at a local park, indoor playground, or even in the airport! (Yes even airports have playgrounds for kids to play as they wait to board a flight.)
  8. Short nature walks or mini hikes. You’d be surprised how much your stroller sweetie enjoys a brisk stroll through a trail or nature reserve. 
  9. Ride On Toys like tricycles, bicycles, scooters, wiggle cars etc. provide opportunities for them to work on their coordination and flex their muscles. 
  10. Last and most obvious...Exercise Toys for kids like trampolines, the Flybar, jump ropes etc. are great options for any child on their lifelong fun fitness journey. 


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