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Nanny of the Maroons: Jamaica's Heroine

Nanny of The Maroons When we think about the people who fought for freedom and justice, we often remember well-known figures like Harriet Tubman or Nelson Mandela. But there is one incredible woman from Jamaica whose courage and determination helped shape the path to freedom for many people—her name was Nanny of the Maroons also known as Queen Nanny and affectionately as Grandy Nanny. You might wonder, who was Nanny of the Maroons, and how did she contribute to the end of slavery? Let’s take a journey into history to learn about this amazing woman and how her actions impacted the lives of many. Who Was Nanny of the Maroons? Not much has been documented/uncovered about Nanny's pre-slavery origins. Nevertheless, what is known and documented is that Nanny of the Maroons was a strong and fearless leader who lived in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to oral history, she was born in West Africa (present day Ghana) amongst the Asante people, but was captured and sold into...

Screen Time vs. Playtime for Kids: Striking the Right Balance

If you're anything like me, you've probably wrestled with the idea of screen time versus playtime for your little ones. With the ever-expanding digital world, it's a topic that keeps us all on our toes. Let's dive into this hot topic and explore some tips for balancing the two for kids aged 10 and under.

First off, it's important to acknowledge that screens aren't the enemy. In fact, they can be valuable tools for learning and entertainment. Educational apps, e-books, and even educational TV programs can offer a world of knowledge. But, here's the catch: moderation is key.

Screen Time Guidelines For Kids

Experts recommend that children in this age group spend no more than 1-2 hours in front of screens each day. That leaves plenty of room for good old-fashioned play.

Children playing basketball outside as the sun goes down

Benefits of Unstructured Play

Unstructured playtime is crucial for your child's development. It fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and social interaction. So, encourage them to play with toys, build forts, and get outside for some fresh air.

Now, here's the secret sauce: quality over quantity. Choose high-quality content when they do have screen time. There are some fantastic educational apps and shows out there that make learning fun. 

Another essential aspect is parental involvement. Co-viewing and co-playing can turn screen time into a shared, enriching experience. Discuss what your child is watching or playing, ask questions, and engage in conversations about the content.

In a nutshell, striking a balance between screen time and playtime is a challenge for all parents. Remember that a little bit of screen time can be beneficial, but playtime is equally, if not more, important. So, embrace the digital age with caution, and let your child's imagination run wild through unstructured play. They'll thank you for it later!


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