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Nanny of the Maroons: Jamaica's Heroine

Nanny of The Maroons When we think about the people who fought for freedom and justice, we often remember well-known figures like Harriet Tubman or Nelson Mandela. But there is one incredible woman from Jamaica whose courage and determination helped shape the path to freedom for many people—her name was Nanny of the Maroons also known as Queen Nanny and affectionately as Grandy Nanny. You might wonder, who was Nanny of the Maroons, and how did she contribute to the end of slavery? Let’s take a journey into history to learn about this amazing woman and how her actions impacted the lives of many. Who Was Nanny of the Maroons? Not much has been documented/uncovered about Nanny's pre-slavery origins. Nevertheless, what is known and documented is that Nanny of the Maroons was a strong and fearless leader who lived in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to oral history, she was born in West Africa (present day Ghana) amongst the Asante people, but was captured and sold into...

Read Aloud Fun! - 24+ Strategies

World Read Aloud Day 2024 is fast approaching on February 7 under the theme Tell Every Story. While we all may not agree with every story; one thing we can all agree on is that Reading Aloud, with our children,  is hands down one the best way to nurture a love for books in those formative years!

In this blog, you're sure to find a tip or two to guide you on this cozy, joyous literary adventure.

In this post we'll explore 40 engaging suggestions to captivate the undivided attention of your little ones before embarking on any read-aloud session. 

Let's jump right into it!

1. Choose books with vibrant and eye-catching illustrations.

2. Use different voices for characters to make the story more engaging.

3. Incorporate hand gestures to express emotions in the story. 

4. Allow the child to pick the book or participate in choosing whether online, in the bookstore or at the library.

5. Find or create activities related to the story like colouring pages, word search puzzles or other printables. 

6. Introduce a variety of books, including ones with textures or flaps.

7. Use props related to the story, like stuffed animals or toy objects.

8. Read stories with rhythmic patterns or repetitive phrases.

9. Encourage the child to predict what might happen next in the story.

10. Explore books that involve touch and feel elements.

11. Incorporate funny sounds or gentle music during the reading.

12. Set a consistent reading routine to build anticipation.

13. Ask open-ended questions about the illustrations or characters.

14. Choose stories with relatable themes or characters.

15. Allow the child to turn the pages and actively participate.

16. Connect the story to the child's personal experiences.

17. Use a flashlight or moonlite to highlight illustrations in a darkened room.

18. Explore pop-up books for a 3D visual experience.

19. Choose books that explore different cultures or traditions.

20. Encourage the child to draw or act out parts of the story.

Spiderman MeReader Books!

21. Make use of technology with interactive e-books.

22. Include stories with positive messages and life lessons.

23. Create a special reading corner, nook or clubhouse with pillows and soft lighting.

24. Use silly voices or exaggerated expressions to add humor.

25. Introduce books that involve counting or identifying shapes.

26. Allow the child to choose a favorite book for repeated readings.

27. Explore books that incorporate rhyming words.

28. Share stories that involve the child's favorite animals.

29. Use finger puppets to act out parts of the story.

30. Discuss the emotions of characters and connect them to real life.

31. Choose books that explore different seasons or weather.

32. Sing songs related to the theme of the book.

33. Pause occasionally to let the child comment or ask questions.

34. Explore books with hidden surprises on each page.

35. Encourage the child to retell the story in their own words.

36. Read stories that involve problem-solving or decision-making.

37. Explore books with textured or fuzzy covers.

38. Create a simple reading chart or reward system.

39. Include books that feature your child's favorite colors.

40. Celebrate milestones or accomplishments related to reading together.

From animated storytelling to creative props, we aim to make these moments not only educational but also filled with laughter, curiosity, and the warmth that comes from sharing stories together. So, kick back, relax, and let the pages of imagination unfold as you embark on this enchanting ride with your young readers.


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