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Gardening with Kids: Exploring Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials

Gardening can be a wonderful way to bond with your children while teaching them about nature and responsibility. Understanding the different types of plants, such as annuals, biennials, and perennials, can help you create a vibrant, ever-changing garden. Let's explore these categories using some common North American flowers like marigolds, cosmos, sunflowers, calendula, and Mexican marigolds, as well as daffodils, China rose, and morning glories. Annuals: Bright Blooms for Each Year Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season. They sprout, bloom, seed, and die all in one year. These flowers are perfect for teaching children about the cycle of life in a concise timeframe. 1.  Sunflowers  are a favorite among children for their impressive height and large, cheerful blooms. Planting sunflowers can be a fun activity, as kids can measure their growth and enjoy watching them reach for the sky. Sunflowers also produce seeds that can be harvested and eaten, ad

Daisy Quokka: World's Scariest Animal: Movie Review

 "Daisy Quokka: World's Scariest Animal" is an engaging animated film that combines humor, heart, and a positive message about self-confidence. The story follows Daisy, a cheerful quokka who dreams of winning the 'World’s Scariest Animal' championship, despite being naturally seen as anything but scary. Her journey highlights the importance of perseverance, friendship, and believing in oneself.

Daisy Quokka

The animation is colorful and lively, bringing the landscapes and various animal characters to life. Daisy is a likable protagonist with her positive attitude, and she quickly becomes a character that young viewers will cheer for, representing the spirit of an underdog in a charming way.

The best part is that there is no need to whip out your phone to explain to your child what a Quokka is. The movie describes them fairly accurately, as part rat and part kangaroo, in the beginning of the story. The film also uses real-world quokka traits to enhance the story. 

Quokkas, known as "the world's happiest animals," are small marsupials native to Australia, particularly known for their cheerful expressions and friendly nature. These real-life attributes are incorporated into Daisy's character, adding authenticity and educational value.

Photo courtesy of The Nature Conservancy Australia 

A fun fact about quokkas is their ability to thrive in tough environments. Native to Rottnest Island, quokkas have adapted to survive on a diet of leaves, grass, and bark. This resilience mirrors Daisy’s determination to prove herself despite being smaller and less intimidating than her competitors.

The film also subtly highlights themes of environmental conservation through its depiction of Daisy’s homeland. The movie shows the natural beauty of the quokka's habitat, echoing real-world efforts to protect and preserve their environment. Quokkas are currently listed as vulnerable, and the film encourages awareness and action in safeguarding these creatures.

Take Away

Overall, "Daisy Quokka: World's Scariest Animal" is an entertaining family movie that blends fiction with interesting facts about quokkas. Daisy's journey from underdog to champion is a fun and engaging narrative, as well as a reminder of the unique traits of quokkas in the wild. This film is a great choice for families with young children, offering both a heartwarming story and educational content about one of the world’s happiest animals.

For more kid movies, checkout this previous post with 100+ Family Friendly Movies!


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