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Nature Study: Animals Preparing For Winter!

As the leaves start to change and the air becomes crisp, it’s a great time to teach kids about how animals prepare for the colder months ahead. Learning about the ways animals get ready for winter can be both fun and educational. Let’s explore some cool facts and activities you can do together with your little ones! Why Do Animals Prepare for Winter ? Animals, like people, need food, warmth, and shelter. But in winter, food is harder to find, and staying warm becomes a challenge. To survive, animals begin their preparations in the Fall, each species with its own special way of getting ready. 1. Hibernation Some animals, like bears and bats, hibernate during the winter. This means they sleep for long periods to conserve energy because food is scarce. Fun Fact for Kids Did you know that during hibernation, a bear’s heart can slow down to just 8 beats per minute? That’s way slower than ours! Activity Idea: Have your child make a cozy “den” with blankets and pillows, pretending to be a hib

Nature Study: Cicadas

The Amazing Life Cycle of a Cicada

Have you ever heard a loud buzzing sound in the summer? It might be the cicadas! Cicadas are fascinating insects with an unusual life cycle. Let's learn more about these cool critters and their journey through life.

Stage 1: The Egg

Every cicada's life starts as a tiny egg. Cicada mothers lay these eggs in tree branches. They carefully slice into the bark of a tree and tuck the eggs inside. After a few weeks, these eggs hatch into tiny nymphs, which are baby cicadas.

Stage 2: The Nymph

When the eggs hatch, the nymphs fall from the tree and burrow underground. They dig deep into the soil, where they live for several years! Some cicadas stay underground for a short time, while others live there for up to 17 years! During this time, the nymphs feed on tree roots and slowly grow bigger.

Stage 3: Emerging from the Ground

After years of hiding underground, the nymphs are ready to come out! On a warm summer night, they dig their way up to the surface. Once above ground, the nymphs climb onto trees, plants, or anything tall they can find.

Stage 4: The Adult Cicada

Now comes the big transformation! The nymphs shed their old skin and turn into adult cicadas. When they first emerge, they are soft and pale, but soon their bodies harden, and they get their dark wings. Now they are fully grown, and it’s time for them to make a lot of noise!

Stage 5: Singing and Mating

Adult cicadas love to sing! The males make a loud buzzing sound to attract female cicadas. They have special organs called *tymbals* on their sides that they vibrate to produce the sound. The females hear this song and choose a mate.

After mating, the females lay eggs in tree branches, and the life cycle begins again. Adult cicadas don’t live very long—only about a few weeks—but they make sure the next generation is ready to start underground.

Cool Cicada Facts

  • Some cicadas only come out every 13 or 17 years! These are called periodical cicadas.
  • Cicadas are harmless to humans. They don’t bite or sting.
  • Cicadas are some of the loudest insects in the world! Their buzzing can be heard from far away.

Take Away

The life cycle of a cicada is truly incredible. From living underground for years to finally emerging and filling the summer air with their songs, cicadas show us how nature works in amazing ways. Next time you hear that buzzing sound, you’ll know the secret story of the cicadas!


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