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Nature Study: Animals Preparing For Winter!

As the leaves start to change and the air becomes crisp, it’s a great time to teach kids about how animals prepare for the colder months ahead. Learning about the ways animals get ready for winter can be both fun and educational. Let’s explore some cool facts and activities you can do together with your little ones! Why Do Animals Prepare for Winter ? Animals, like people, need food, warmth, and shelter. But in winter, food is harder to find, and staying warm becomes a challenge. To survive, animals begin their preparations in the Fall, each species with its own special way of getting ready. 1. Hibernation Some animals, like bears and bats, hibernate during the winter. This means they sleep for long periods to conserve energy because food is scarce. Fun Fact for Kids Did you know that during hibernation, a bear’s heart can slow down to just 8 beats per minute? That’s way slower than ours! Activity Idea: Have your child make a cozy “den” with blankets and pillows, pretending to be a hib

Nature Study: Fruits vs. Vegetables

Flowering Pepper Plant
Have you ever wondered why some plants are called fruits while others are called vegetables? Sometimes it can get confusing—like when we call peppers vegetables, even though they’re really fruits! Let’s dive into what makes something a fruit or a vegetable and explore how some of your favorite foods grow.

What is a Fruit?

A fruit is the part of a plant that develops from the flower and contains seeds. Fruits come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be sweet, sour, or even spicy! The key thing to remember is that if it has seeds, it’s a fruit. This is true even for foods we often think of as vegetables.

Examples of Fruits:

🌶Peppers: These are technically fruits because they grow from the plant’s flower and have tiny seeds inside. They might not taste like typical fruits like apples or oranges, but they belong in the fruit family.

🍅Tomatoes: Often called a vegetable, tomatoes are fruits because they grow from flowers and contain seeds.

🥒Cucumbers: Like peppers and tomatoes, cucumbers grow from the flower of the plant and have seeds inside, making them a fruit too.

Squash: like pumpkins and zucchini, squash comes from a flowering plant. These flowers grow on vines, and after pollination, the flower becomes a squash fruit with seeds inside. Even though we often cook squash in savory meals, it is still a fruit.

What is a Vegetable?

Vegetables, on the other hand, are any other part of the plant that we eat—like the roots, stems, or leaves. Vegetables don’t have seeds inside them, and they can be used in savory dishes or eaten raw.

Examples of Vegetables:

🥕Carrots: Carrots are vegetables because we eat the root of the plant. They grow underground, and the leafy green part you see above the soil isn’t what we typically eat.

Cabbage: Cabbage is a vegetable because it’s the leafy part of the plant. The big, leafy head grows above ground, and it doesn’t have seeds inside.

🌽Corn: Corn is a bit tricky! The kernels are actually seeds, but because we eat the whole ear, it’s often thought of as a vegetable. However, botanically speaking, corn is considered a grain, and the kernels themselves are fruits.

How Fruits and Vegetables Flower

Peppers: Bell peppers, for example, grow from small white or purple flowers. After the flower is pollinated, it develops into the pepper we eat, with the seeds forming inside. Once ripe, the pepper changes color from green to red, yellow, or orange.


Corn: Corn grows tall stalks that produce long, thin flowers called tassels. The ear of corn, which holds the kernels, forms after pollination. The kernels are the seeds of the plant, which we eat as corn on the cob.

Carrots: Carrots grow from the ground, and their flowers are small and white, forming in clusters. However, we rarely see carrot flowers because carrots are usually harvested before they bloom.

Cabbage: Cabbage grows close to the ground, and the part we eat is the leafy head. If allowed to bloom, cabbage plants will produce a flower stalk with yellow flowers, but this usually happens after we’ve harvested the cabbage to eat.

Fun Fact

Did you know that some plants can be both fruits and vegetables? 

For example, Rhubarb is a vegetable, but it’s often cooked and sweetened like a fruit in pies and desserts!

Take Away

Next time you’re at the grocery store, farm or in the garden, try guessing which foods are fruits and which are vegetables based on what you’ve learned. Check to see if they have seeds inside or if they’re roots, leaves, or stems!

Understanding the difference between fruits and vegetables can make eating and growing food more fun. Now you know why some of your favorite foods, like peppers and tomatoes, are fruits, while others, like carrots and cabbage, are vegetables. Keep exploring the plant world, and you’ll discover all sorts of interesting things about how the food we eat grows!


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