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Nanny of the Maroons: Jamaica's Heroine

Nanny of The Maroons When we think about the people who fought for freedom and justice, we often remember well-known figures like Harriet Tubman or Nelson Mandela. But there is one incredible woman from Jamaica whose courage and determination helped shape the path to freedom for many people—her name was Nanny of the Maroons also known as Queen Nanny and affectionately as Grandy Nanny. You might wonder, who was Nanny of the Maroons, and how did she contribute to the end of slavery? Let’s take a journey into history to learn about this amazing woman and how her actions impacted the lives of many. Who Was Nanny of the Maroons? Not much has been documented/uncovered about Nanny's pre-slavery origins. Nevertheless, what is known and documented is that Nanny of the Maroons was a strong and fearless leader who lived in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to oral history, she was born in West Africa (present day Ghana) amongst the Asante people, but was captured and sold into...

Free Printables

 1. Days of the Week

Days of the week free printable from The Tot Tutor

Suggested Activity 1: Discuss weekly family routines that uniquely occur on each day to reinforce the concept of Days of the Week

For example: On Wednesdays we meet with your play group, on Fridays we order your favourite takeout; on Saturdays we go to the supermarket etc.

Suggested Activity 2: Simple Matching Game 

1. Download and print (2) copies of this printable on cardstock paper or laminate.

2. Cut up one copy and place double sided tape or velcro on the backs. 

3. Start matching!

Tip: For the older ones who have mastered reciting the days of the week and are at the pre-reading/ reading stage; print one copy in colour and the other in black & white/grey scale to practice and test out their reading/ word recognition skills.

Suggested Activity 3: Name family members born on each day of the week .

Dowload the free hand-drawn and hand coloured Days of the Week printable here.

2. Trace A Flower Printable 

Suggested Activity 1: Print out and place under a blank sheet of plain printer paper (thinner the better). Have your child trace the flower

Suggested Activity 2: Together with your child, research the type of flower this closest resembles, where in the world they are found and other flower facts. Don't stop there, research other flowers found in your own yard or community.

Suggested Activity 3: Print on cardstock and paint in colours of your choice. (If you don't have card stock print on plain paper, glue to a firm piece of cardboard and let dry before painting.

Download the free Trace a Flower Printable here.

3. Color A Rainbow By Number 

Suggested Activity 1: Have your child look for all the numbers on the printable. Then ask them how many of each number they found. (For example three 8s). 

Suggested Activity 2: Name the colors listed in the color legend along with the corresponding numbers then color by number.

Suggested Activity 3: Test your child's rainbow knowledge by asking them to identify/name all the colors of the rainbow.  

Download the free Color A Rainbow By Color Printable here.

4. The Case of the Wrong Hands Printable

Suggested Activity 1: Name the different parts of the hand then cover the labeled hand (to avoid confusion) have your child name the parts of the unlabeled hand.

Suggested Activity 2: Test your child's problem solving and analytical skills by asking them to identify what's wrong with the labelled hand. (HINT: The pinky and thumb are in the wrong position for when the palm faces up)

Download the free Case of the Wrong Hand Printable here.

5. My Hands Printable

Suggested Activity 1
: Name the different parts of the hand and have your child repeat.

Suggested Activity 2: You and your child can take turns placing your hands on the hand facing up and the hand facing down and note the differences.

Suggested Activity 3: Print 2 copies on card stock or on plain paper and laminate. Cut out the hands of both copies and glue both matching sides to a popsicle stick to make a hand. 

Download your free hand printable here.

6.Months of the Year Printable

Suggested Activity 1: Name the months of the year and try to come up with a funny song to remember the months of the year.

Suggested Activity 2: Simple Matching Game 

1. Download and print (2) copies of this printable on cardstock paper or laminate.

2. Cut up one copy and place double sided tape or velcro on the backs. 

3. Start matching!

Tip: Punch 3 holes in the copy that was not cut up and place in a 3 ring binder to start/continue building your tot's learning/focus folder. 

Suggested Activity 3: Name family members and friends born in each month of the year.

Download the free hand-drawn and hand coloured Months of the Year printable here.

7. Encanto Spanish Word Match Printable

Free Encanto Spanish Worksheet for Kids
Suggested Activity #1: If you haven't already. Watch the movie Encanto. If you have - rewatch and be sure to listen for the Spanish words and make a list.

Suggested Activity #2: Research the history, culture and family customs of Colombia.

Suggested Activity #3:  Print the worksheet and try to match each character to the Spanish word.

Download page 1 of the free Encanto Worksheet here and page 2 here


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